Friday 15 May 2009

~*Best fitness foods for women*~

Perceived as“God’s second mistake”,a woman remains to the whole world ,a vital character that plays a crucial role in ensuring the continuity of the species. Her body is not like any other ; its has a capacity for pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation … Nevertheless, being a woman is a terribly difficult task since, it primary consists in, dealing with men and ,secondly, suffering the discomfort of menstruation, as well as the horrors of gestation.Since, pregnancy,breastfeeding and menopause, all undermine women’s health and put her life at risk,exercising and choosing the right foods should be a requisite for every women who is willing to become a grandmother in the years to come !

Breakfast like a queen : in the world of rich,in fiber and minerals; whole grains cereals and breads,deliver a steady flow of energy over time.Include a hard boiled egg; the yolk is a good source of iron, and it's loaded with lecithin, critical for brain health.

Food’s haute cowture,invites you to Milk your diet: a glass of milk supplies calcium to keep bones strong and protein that along with exercise can help build lean muscle which are especially important when cutting calories.Fuel up with 3/4 cup of whole-grain cereal with 4 ounces of fat-free milk an hour before a workout, you will have more energy, so you can work out harder and perhaps longer.

A little snack strategically consumed before rampant hunger sets in, might just prevent you from over-indulging at lunch or dinner…Fingers crossed ?

-Skinny Dippers: carrots,broccoli,celery,red,green,orange or yellow peppers sticks they just need to stand strong to be a worthy dipper and in all cases,assist the body in it’s fight against toxins and cancer.In fact a study showed that carrots, pack complex carbohydrates that provide ,energy to muscles and, potassium to control blood pressure and muscle contractions.

-Nutty Nuts:10 dry roasted cashews or 15 natural almonds ;powerhouse of good nutrition they contain monounsaturated fat,vitamin E,folic acid,magnesium,copper,protein,and fiber, and are rich in antioxidant phytochemicals.

-Na’Fruity :a banana sliced in circles and half a cup of fresh squeezed orange juice reminds me about one of my favorite snacks at the age of 5 .However,back in time, I didn’t know that bananas, help replace sweat loss and keep you energized while oranges help repair muscle tissue.

-The red zone: strawberries,red berries,cranberries .Just a handful is needed to provide antioxidants, which protect muscles from free radical damage .Your body just need it after your workout.Also,cranberries have proanthocyanins, compounds that help prevent and fight urinary tract infections.

2h00 p.m, rush hour : a salad seems, real and interesting;With enough variety in colour and texture to give your mouth and mind something to chew over.Go green with lettuce, argula leaves ,mash ,spinach with some fresh basil leaves and mint.Add to it something wild and rich in omega-3 fatty acids,such as salmon or any dark meat poultry such as chicken or turkey that are ,low in fat and have all the iron, zinc, and B vitamins that women need in their diets. If you have a few boiled potatoes sitting sullenly in the fridge with no aim to their life,they can be transformed into heroes of your salad ;A medium potato has more potassium than a banana and it can be used with or without being peeled.And,oh yea,the green health bomb should definitely dive in your salad bowl ! 15 g of avocado would deliver the essential monounsaturated fats that would help lower bad cholesterol and might help lessen abdominal fat, according to recent studies.

Midnight feast: just forget about it before midnight ;you should always eat,four hours before going to bed! The stuff of your dreams:this sandwich that needs two hands and a large napkin tucked into your shirt collar - 60 g of pain de mie with 60 g of cheese,a handful of spinach leaves, slices of tomatoes,dill pickles and you’re set !

The last mouthful … and your body has it all : the proteins, carbohydrates, monounsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals. What remains, is your seven hours of good sleep .Tomorrow, is a new,fresh day.Don’t forget to tell your neighbor about your new meal plan!And always remember that : You are what You eat !

by Dietitian Nicole Maftoum

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