Wednesday 27 May 2009

~*Love your partner but not his eating habits*~

On their first dates,her appetite will suddenly decrease.Those butterflies in her stomach will be more than enough to reach her satiety.

Once in a relationship,she will accommodate and realize that all their outings revolve around food.

If she decides to have a green salad,he’ll treat her as an anorexic and if she mimics his eating habits,she could end up piling on the pounds since at best,women burn 26% fewer calories a day than guys do.

Eventhough, the dilemma of men understanding women has never been solved,i have thought about solving food’s dilemma between every couple and present you with a few hints and tips in order to keep the man,but lose the fatty foods !

During non-stop prime munching

Before getting in front of the screen,he displays all types of munchies(ranging from chips,to nuts,to chocolate) on the table.
A study at Johns Hopkins University found that the more people were into what was on the tube, the less aware they were of how much food, they were inhaling.

No one, not even the Dalai Lama, can resist delicious, crunchy snack foods that are right in front of them. But a 120-pound woman burns only about 54 calories an hour watching TV (a 180-pound man burns 74 calories per hour).

Fill a giant bowl with some light microwave popcorn and munch away. Most brands contain just 20 to 25 calories per cup popped, so even if you scarf six cups, you've consumed only 150 calories — the amount in less than one-sixth of a can of Pringles.

You could,also suggest healthier munchies such as ChexMix, Frosties, baked chips, that are much lower in fat than their counterparts.You could also,go veggie with a low fat mayo-ketchup dip served with cherry tomatoes,cucumbers and carrots.

When it comes to drinking carbonated beverages every now and then,just remind him that besides all their harmful side effects ,they help increase the size of your stomach when consumed regularly and thus lead you to eat more and gain weight.

Drive me through

Most men live for the drive-through. A 2006 Mintel online survey of 2,000 people found that men eat fast food more often than women, and tend to choose burgers and French fries over salads and other healthy options.

Sharing a ride makes you captive to his drive-through addiction. One fast-food grilled-chicken club sandwich has 570 calories. You could eat a half-pound of skinless chicken breast, a half-cup of couscous and a cup of cooked green beans and still save nearly 300 calories (even without the fries or soda). Indulging even once a week means you'll be about one pants size plumper in a year.

Before you hop into the car, throw your favorite portable healthy food a granola or cereal bar, a banana,an apple in your bag.If you have something satisfying to chow on during his greasy rendezvous, you won't be so tempted to add to his order.

Also,when he comes over to watch a dvd,make sure to rent the movie : Supersize me !

The deal:You always chose the starters since most of the times he orders all the listed fried dishes.
When you have few dishes in front you,you tend to eat less,therefore avoid ordering a lot.
Remember,you should always eat 4 hours before going to bed.

Getting Tipsy

You can never,ever catch-up drinking with him,even if he insists on getting drunk with you.
When you compare men and women of the same height, weight and build, men tend to have more muscle and less fat than women. Because muscle tissue has more water than fat tissue, a given dose or amount of alcohol will be diluted more in a man than in a woman. Therefore, the blood alcohol concentration resulting from that dose will be higher in a woman than in a man, and the woman will feel the effects of that dose of alcohol sooner than the man will.

In the Stomach,the enzyme Alcohol Dehydrogenase, begins some of the metabolism of Alcohol.Women have less of this enzyme than men, this is the reason for which Alchohol passes through their stomachs and into their bloodstream quicker than in men.
Women metabolize about 10% of the Alcohol ingested while men metabolize about 30%.

Remind him that 1 g of alcohol provides him with 7 calories.

I suggest you read the previous posts for a better understanding of many topics related to heatlh and food !

by Dietitian Nicole Maftoum

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